We offer solution from comprehensive research to help you benchmark your situation against peers, show how others are working to overcome challenges, and introduce the technologies that can help.
- Need to participate in digital or online business in the next few years? Will you still be an analogue company in a few years? What reasons do you have for not investing in this area?
- Is the technology you use today or intend to use going to honestly solve your business challenges in the most cost-effective way? Have you investigated all your options?
- How will your technology help you solve your business challenges and grasp new opportunities? Can you manage it effectively and keep innovating?
- Can you improve your financial situation by an IT modernization program?
- Do you have partners that can help you with implementing and managing your technology? Do they offer you cost-effective solutions to your business challenges?
- With ‘traditional’ customer activity adversely impacted by covid, pressure significantly increased on sales success.
- A combination of general business conditions overlaid with a challenging macro-economic environment has seen severe disruption of traditional revenue streams.
- The current circumstances are uncertain and change is happening at a truly unprecedented rate, including towards digital business
- Having the right technology platform is a key consideration in the above factors and creating a flexible technology environment that moves with your business and allows you to innovate is a must.
- enabling employees to access the data, apps, and systems they need to complete their tasks and in many cases helping them to create more or better output in whatever role they have.
- Sit down with your employees and find out what their day-to-day experience is really like. How do the technologies they use help or hinder them?
- What is the opportunity cost to your business of using partners to support technology initiatives?
- Retraining your existing staff to make sure they have the right skills for a new era.
- Older ways of doing things are increasingly redundant and retraining staff is often the best way to adapt.
- your peers see technology as important for lowering their operating costs and helping manage cash flows, support product and geographic expansion, improving employee productivity and supporting innovation goals.
- Review your current technology costs and assess against the latest contemporary solutions. Can you save money or positively impact your cash flow by refreshing your technology environment?
- How does your current technology map to your business goals and strategy? Does it have a negative opportunity cost and is it retarding your growth?
- What is the current depreciation of your technology assets? Are they coming towards the end of their financial working life?
- Do you have the in-house technology skills to support your growth plans? Where are the gaps (if any)? Consider the ‘build in-house’ or outsource approach in the context of skills shortages, especially in areas of cloud, cyber-security and data governance and compliance.
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